
Check Your Eligibility Now

Add your details below to check your eligibility for a zero costs Emerald Hot Water Heat Pump

    Backed by Government energy-efficient rebate schemes
    Beat Rising
    Energy Costs

    Enjoy The Benefits

    • Superior energy efficieny & cost savings
    • Convenience of Wi-Fi control & energy monitoring via phone app
    • Australian manufacturer & local support team
    • Premium quiet technology
    • Boost mode for quick hot water on demand

    Huge energy savings of up to 80%

    A Heat Pump is an energy-efficient way to reduce your energy requirements to heat hot water by 50-80%.
    They don’t require solar panels, and work day and night, rain, hail, or sunshine!

    standard electric hot water system

    14-18 kWh per day
    3.6 kW
    approx $2.18 per day

    emerald energy heat pump system

    3-4 kWh per day

    0.85 kW

    approx $0.40 per day


    Beat The Rising Cost of Electricity

    Check your eligibility for a zero out of pocket Emerald Hot Water Heat Pump

    Hear From Our Customers...

    Emerald Energy PTY LTD | ABN 86 632 172 368